[Rev. 11/21/2013 4:05:14 PM--2013]

[NAC-329 Revised Date: 4-12]


329.010            Corner records: Form and contents; surveyor’s certificate.

329.020            Reconstruction or rehabilitation of monuments.




      NAC 329.010  Corner records: Form and contents; surveyor’s certificate. (NRS 329.160)

     1.  A corner record presented for filing pursuant to NRS 329.140 or 329.150 must be legibly drawn in waterproof ink on paper or another material of a permanent nature suitable for recordation in accordance with the provisions of NRS 247.110. The top of the first sheet of the corner record must have the words “Corner Record” inscribed directly below the margin at the top of the record.

     2.  The corner record must include a certificate of the professional land surveyor in responsible charge of the work. The certificate must be in the following form:




     I, ........................ (name of professional land surveyor), a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Nevada, certify that:

     1.  This corner record represents the establishment or restoration of a corner or accessory to a corner conducted under my direct supervision.

     2.  The monument or accessories perpetuated lie within .................................................. (section, township, range, meridian, county and city, if incorporated), and the establishment or restoration was completed on ........................................................... (date).

     3.  This corner record has been filed pursuant to NRS 329.140 or 329.150 and complies with the provisions of NAC 329.010 and any local ordinances in effect on the date that the establishment or restoration was completed.

     4.  The monument or witness monument and accessories found are of the character shown, occupy the positions indicated and are of sufficient durability.


     (Validated seal of the professional land surveyor);

     (Name and license number of the professional land surveyor printed below the seal).


     3.  The certificate required pursuant to subsection 2 must include the expiration date of the license of the professional land surveyor who is named in the certificate. The expiration date must appear in the:

     (a) Validated seal of the professional land surveyor; or

     (b) Area below the validated seal where the name and license number of the professional land surveyor are printed.

     4.  The corner record must include:

     (a) A north arrow and scale.

     (b) The number of each sheet and the total number of sheets included in the record.

     (c) A drawing that includes:

          (1) The monuments or witness monuments and accessories found, including their locations;

          (2) Complete citations to maps, plats, documents and other matters of record or facts of pertinence which confirm the perpetuation of the corner; and

          (3) The lineal measurements between each witness monument and the perpetuated corner.

     (d) A memorandum of oaths, if any.

     5.  If the corner perpetuated in a corner record is a corner of the Public Land Survey System, it must be identified as a corner of the Public Land Survey System pursuant to the provisions of the Manual of Surveying Instructions published by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior, which is hereby adopted by reference. A copy of the Manual may be obtained by mail from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, Missouri 63197-9000, or by toll-free telephone at (866) 512-1800, at a cost of $31.



     6.  If the Nevada Coordinate System, as defined in chapter 327 of NRS, is used to reestablish or perpetuate a corner, the source of the control used must be stated.

     7.  As used in this section, “responsible charge of work” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 625.080.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Professional Eng’rs & Land Surv., eff. 11-14-97; A by R148-04, 5-4-2006)

      NAC 329.020  Reconstruction or rehabilitation of monuments. (NRS 625.140)  Before a corner record is presented for filing pursuant to NRS 329.150, a professional land surveyor shall reconstruct or rehabilitate the monument of the corner and the accessories to the corner in the manner prescribed in NRS 329.180.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Professional Eng’rs & Land Surv., eff. 11-14-97)